




This website is a present of my owner for my second birthday. You can discover the story of my life, find some side information and later my results. It's the intention of my owner that I'm available for cute nice female Flat Coat's and I'm ready for it. We hope you will like this website, even if you are not familiar with the breed Flat Coated Retriever.


I was born in Ulm, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany on the 27th of August 2014. I'm a boy and I was one of seven puppies of the B-wurf of mother Ylvi and father Tiger. It was not easy for my new owner to get me. After 6 weeks, during an intake meeting in Ulm, I have met my new owner for the first time. At that time it was not sure that I was selected to move to Belgium, but a few days later my family in Ulm agreed to let me go.

After 9 weeks in Ulm, together with 4 congeners, I was ready to go to my new home 640 km away from my birthplace. Since then I live in Belgium, in a nice home together with my new family. I also got a stepsister: Kyra, a Maltese born in Texel (The Netherlands).



From day one, I had to listen to a strange language 'dutch'. But everybody took good care of me and I felt like home after just one day. There are many dog schools here in Belgium. The lessons are twice a week, this way I can learn a lot.

Because my boss didn't gave up and I had no other choice then accompanying him to these lessons, I decided to do my best, but it's not my thing. I was smart enough to pass the classes very fast. In November 2015 I obtained my first official qualification for 'Obedience'.



I was happy that my boss understood that 'obedience' is not what I love. From now on we went to another type of school, 50 km from my place. From the first moment I saw it: "this is what I want to do!". They will prepare me there to participate in working tests, and if I do my best, the accompany hunters will do their best as well.

I'm now learning to be patient and work very accurate. It's not easy for me but I experience that also my boss doesn't know always what to do. I hope that we are ready for next season in 2017.


Surprise visit in Ulm

I went together with my family to Austria for a vacation. Having plenty of space in the trunk of our Tesla, it was lovely to travel so far! From time to time a small stop and then... we stopped at a house and ... SURPRISE ... it was the home of my mom Ilvy!

© Yorgi Goossens

Pictures and text may not be copied without my consent by letter.
